Top Vue UI Component Libraries and Frameworks of This Year




July 16, 2024

Last updated: July 17, 2024

Vue UI Component Libraries

In spite of the dynamic web development market, Vue.js remains a popular choice for building interactive user interfaces. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a go-to framework for developers looking to create robust applications. However, the real power of Vue.js lies in its ecosystem of Vue UI component libraries and frameworks, which significantly enhance productivity and ensure a seamless user experience. 

As we are into the second half of 2024, let’s explore some of the best Vue UI component libraries and frameworks you should consider.

Top Vue UI Component Libraries and Frameworks

top Vue UI Component Libraries


Vuetify is a material design component library for Vue.js that provides a wide range of components following Google’s Material Design guidelines. It offers a comprehensive suite of UI tools and components that allow developers to create visually appealing applications quickly.

  • Why should you use it: With Over 80 Vue.js components, you get customizable themes, a responsive grid system, accessibility features, and more.
  • Who should use it: Ideal for building admin dashboards, e-commerce platforms, and corporate websites.

Quasar Framework

Quasar is a high-performance framework designed to help you create Vue.js applications that run on multiple platforms using a single codebase. With Quasar, you can build responsive websites, mobile apps, and even Electron-based desktop applications.

  • Why should you use it: It comes with cross-platform support (SPA, SSR, PWA, Mobile, Desktop), extensive component library, powerful CLI, and plugins.
  • Who should use it: Suitable for multi-platform applications and projects requiring rapid development.  

Element Plus

Element Plus is the next-generation iteration of Element UI, a desktop-focused UI library for Vue.js 3. It is designed to offer a clean and professional look for web applications, with a wide range of components and configurations.

  • Why should you use it: You get a rich set of components, customizable themes, internationalization support, and strong community support.
  • Who should use it: Best for building enterprise-grade applications and admin interfaces.


BootstrapVue brings the power of Bootstrap 4 to Vue.js. It provides a complete set of components and grid system, making it easy to integrate Bootstrap’s popular styles and responsive design features into your Vue projects.

  • Why should you use it: It is packed with over 85 components, directives for Vue.js, extensive documentation, and customizable themes.
  • Who should use it: Great for projects that require a reliable and familiar UI framework with robust styling options.


Buefy is a lightweight UI component library based on Bulma, a CSS framework. Buefy integrates seamlessly with Vue.js, providing a set of responsive components with minimal CSS footprint.

  • Why should you use it: Simple integration, lightweight components, responsive design, customizable.
  • Who should use it: Perfect for projects that prioritize simplicity and performance.

Vuestic UI

Vuestic UI is a customizable UI component library developed by Epicmax. It offers a variety of components designed to be adaptable and easy to integrate into your Vue.js projects.

  • Why should you use it: Its Customizable themes, adaptive design, large set of components, and admin-focused design make it an ideal choice for several developers.
  • Who should use it: Suitable for creating admin panels, dashboards, and business applications.

Ant Design Vue

Ant Design Vue is a Vue.js implementation of Ant Design, a popular UI design language. It provides a set of high-quality components for building rich, interactive user interfaces.

  • Why should you use it: Rich components library, internationalization, customizable themes, detailed documentation.
  • Who should use it: Ideal for enterprise applications and large-scale projects requiring a professional UI design.


Choosing the right UI component library or framework is crucial for the success of your Vue.js project. Each of these libraries offers unique features and benefits, catering to different project needs. Whether you’re building a simple website, a complex enterprise application, or a multi-platform app, there’s a set of Vue UI Component Libraries to meet your requirements. Staying updated with these tools will ensure you continue to build efficient, visually appealing, and user-friendly applications. Follow our blogs to stay updated about relevant industry insights and trends.

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