A Comprehensive Guide on Soulbound Tokens




August 21, 2024

A guide on SBTs and difference betweent nfts and sbts

It’s time for blockchain buffs and crypto enthusiasts to gather ’round because there’s a new acronym in town that’s about to shake things up—SBTs, or Soulbound Tokens. Now, before you start thinking this is some new-age wellness trend, let’s clear the air: SBTs are the latest buzz in the blockchain universe, and they’re making waves faster than you can say “non-fungible.”

While NFTs have been hogging the limelight like a reality TV star, SBTs are quietly stepping onto the scene with a whole new set of possibilities that NFT development teams can pull off. These tokens are all about you—your identity, your achievements, your life on the blockchain. So, let’s dive into what makes Soulbound Tokens, how they differ from our beloved NFTs, and why they might just be the next big thing in the digital world. 

Okay then, let’s get started from the basics. 

What Are Soulbound Tokens?

So, what exactly are Soulbound Tokens? 

Picture this: You have a token that’s as unique as a snowflake but can’t be traded, sold, or transferred. Unlike your typical NFTs, which are all about ownership and bragging rights, SBTs are tied directly to you—your digital identity, to be exact. These tokens represent personal attributes, achievements, affiliations, and even your reputation, all securely stored on the blockchain. Think of them as your permanent, non-transferable digital resume. 

Origins of Soulbound Tokens

Now, you might be wondering where this whole idea of SBTs came from. Well, let’s give credit where credit’s due—to none other than Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum and all-around blockchain guru. He introduced the concept of Soulbound Tokens in a blog post where he mused about the idea of a decentralized society, or DeSoc. 

Well, The inspiration? Because everything has one. 

A little something from the gaming world. Remember those “soulbound” items in MMORPGs that were permanently attached to your character? Yep, that’s where SBTs got their name. 

How Soulbound Tokens Work

Minting SBTs: 

So, how do you get your hands on one of these shiny new tokens? Minting an SBT involves creating and issuing a token on the blockchain, much like NFTs. However, the key difference is that once an SBT is minted, it’s yours for life—no backsies.

Ownership and Permanence: 

The magic of SBTs lies in their permanence. Unlike NFTs, which can be bought, sold, and traded like digital baseball cards, SBTs are non-transferable. Once they’re linked to your digital identity, they stay there, representing your achievements and affiliations forever.

Link to Identity: 

Here’s where it gets interesting: SBTs are often linked to a digital wallet that acts as your “soul” in the blockchain world. This wallet holds your SBTs, creating a digital identity that’s uniquely yours.

What is the Difference between NFTs and Soulbound Tokens?

difference between sbts vs nfts



Transferability is the bread and butter of NFTs. You can sell, trade, or even gift them to someone else. Think of NFTs as digital trading cards—once you own one, you’re free to do whatever you want with it, including cashing in on its market value.


On the flip side, SBTs are the digital equivalent of a tattoo—once they’re linked to your identity, they’re not going anywhere. You can’t sell them, trade them, or give them away. This non-transferable nature makes SBTs more like a personal ID card or diploma—something that’s uniquely yours and can’t be separated from your digital self.


This difference in transferability has huge implications for how NFTs and SBTs are used. While NFTs are all about ownership and trade, SBTs focus on identity and reputation. NFTs might be valuable as assets, but SBTs are valuable as proof of who you are and what you’ve achieved.



The primary use case for NFTs is the ownership and trading of digital assets. Whether it’s a piece of digital art, a collectible, or an in-game item, NFTs are all about proving ownership and allowing that ownership to be transferred.


SBTs, on the other hand, are designed to represent personal identity, achievements, and credentials. Instead of being a tradable asset, they’re more like a digital resume or a collection of badges that showcase your accomplishments and affiliations.

Simplifying it: 

If NFTs are like trading cards or rare collectibles, SBTs are more like your driver’s license, university degree, or membership card. You wouldn’t trade your diploma, right? That’s the same with SBTs—they’re meant to stay with you, representing who you are and what you’ve done.



NFTs are fluid—owners can buy, sell, and trade them, which means their ownership can change over time. This fluidity is what makes them exciting as digital assets that can gain or lose value.


SBTs, however, are permanent. Once an SBT is linked to your digital identity, it can’t be removed or transferred. This permanence makes SBTs incredibly powerful in representing your digital identity, ensuring that your achievements and affiliations are always with you.

Implications for Digital Identity: 

The permanence of SBTs strengthens their role in digital identity. In a world where digital personas are becoming increasingly important, SBTs offer a way to securely and permanently anchor your identity to the blockchain.

Security and Privacy


NFTs are public by nature—they can be viewed, traded, or auctioned openly on various platforms. This transparency is great for verifying authenticity and ownership, but it also means that NFTs are more exposed.


SBTs, being linked to personal identity, may contain sensitive information. This raises privacy concerns, especially if these tokens are used to represent things like medical records or personal achievements. However, privacy controls can be implemented to secure and control access to SBTs, ensuring that only authorized parties can view or interact with them.

Privacy Controls: 

Possible mechanisms for securing SBTs could include encryption, access control layers, or even integrating with privacy-focused blockchains that ensure your data is kept safe. The goal is to protect the sensitive information tied to SBTs while still allowing them to serve their purpose.

Value and Monetization


NFTs are often monetized through sales and auctions, with some fetching astronomical prices. The ability to trade and sell NFTs is a huge part of their appeal, as it allows owners to profit from their digital assets.


In contrast, SBTs are not designed for monetization. Instead, their value lies in personal identification and reputation. Because they’re non-transferable, they don’t have the same market dynamics as NFTs. However, their worth is intrinsic, tied to your personal achievements and identity.

Economic Implications: 

The non-monetary nature of SBTs means they serve a different purpose in the blockchain ecosystem. While NFTs might drive economic activity with their multiple monetary avenues, SBTs contribute to building trust, identity, and reputation in the digital world. 

Soulbound Tokens Use Cases

potential usescases of sbts

Digital Identity Verification 

Creating Verified Digital Profiles: 

Imagine having a digital profile that’s as trustworthy as your government-issued ID. SBTs can serve as digital identity badges, verifying your credentials, certifications, or affiliations on the blockchain. Whether it’s proving your qualifications for a job or showing your membership in a professional organization, SBTs could revolutionize how we verify identity online.

Decentralized Social Media: 

In a world where fake profiles run rampant, SBTs could be a game-changer. Decentralized social media platforms could use SBTs to create verified profiles, ensuring that users are who they say they are. This could bring a new level of trust and accountability to social media. Lens Protocol is an example of a decentralized social media platform exploring similar concepts.

Reputation and Trust Systems

Building Digital Reputation: 

Your reputation is everything, and SBTs could be the key to building and maintaining a solid digital one. As you earn more SBTs tied to achievements or endorsements, your reputation grows. This could be particularly useful in professional networks, where SBTs could act as proof of your expertise and integrity.

Trust Networks: 

Imagine a trust network where individuals’ tokens verify their skills, achievements, and character. SBTs could be used to build such networks, where trust is earned and verified through a transparent, blockchain-based system.

Education and Professional Credentials

Digital Diplomas and Certificates: 

Forget the days of waiting for your paper diploma to arrive in the mail. Universities and educational institutions could issue SBTs as proof of academic achievements, securely storing your credentials on the blockchain.

Professional Licenses: 

Similarly, professional organizations could issue SBTs as digital licenses or certifications. Whether you’re a licensed doctor, lawyer, or engineer, your SBT would serve as proof of your qualifications, easily verifiable by employers and clients alike.

Memberships and Access Rights

Exclusive Club Memberships: 

Ever wanted to be part of an exclusive club? SBTs could be used as non-transferable digital keys, granting access to exclusive communities, events, or memberships. Because they’re tied to your digital identity, these memberships would be truly unique. 

Organization Affiliations: 

SBTs could also represent affiliation with certain organizations, societies, or networks. Whether you’re a member of a professional association or a social club, your SBT would serve as proof of your affiliation.

Healthcare and Personal Records

Medical Records: 

SBTs could revolutionize healthcare by securely storing personal medical records on the blockchain. These tokens would ensure that your records are linked to your identity and accessible only by authorized healthcare providers.

Vaccination Proofs: 

In a post-pandemic world, proving your vaccination status has become more important than ever. SBTs could be issued as proof of vaccination, ensuring that this sensitive information is securely linked to you and cannot be tampered with. MIT Media Lab has been exploring several possibilities with project Enigma.


Soulbound Tokens are more than just a new trend—they have the potential to revolutionize how we think about digital identity, reputation, and verification. Unlike NFTs, which are all about ownership and trade, SBTs focus on representing who we are and what we’ve achieved. As the blockchain space continues to evolve, SBTs could become a cornerstone of decentralized identity, offering a secure and permanent way to prove our credentials, affiliations, and achievements. 

So, keep an eye on our blogs, because SBTs might just be the next big thing to hit the blockchain world. And who knows? In a few years, you might find yourself boasting about your collection of SBTs—tokens that truly define who you are in the digital age.

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