How To Look Out For A Trusted Chatbot Development Company In India? – An Overview




March 23, 2020

Last updated: August 12, 2024

Best Chatbot Development Company India

Strikes Of The Best Chatbot Development Company In India

The waves of artificial intelligence in customer service are a never-ending saga, and these waves are inspiring businesses to invest more in the best chatbot development company in order to improve their customer experience. Nonetheless, most businesses believe that adapting to conversational AI chatbots is a step toward digital transformation and it is true for a reason!

Chatbots without a doubt are bringing a unique outlook to several elements of the industry, including customer service, sales, marketing, engagement and are now taking the tech world by storm. Although chatbots’ idea of revolutionizing diverse industries seem to have entered the dictionary recently, chatbots possess a long history right from the 1960s. Since then they have rapidly evolved and have become capable of accomplishing actions as good as human thinking and thought processes. 

Eventually with time chatbots are now being used for multiple purposes like timesheets (Nika), Expenses (Acebot), Customer Service (Twyla), FAQ bots (QnA) and for Feedbacks (Wizu). Over time with the evolution of technology,  AI app development and speech-based bots are entering the market and are becoming valuable assets for numerous businesses.

Having said that, let’s take a look at the reasons for a business to have chatbots built by the best chatbot development company in India.

Chatbot For Business

Chatbot For A Business

As the world is becoming increasingly connected and digitized, Chatbots are becoming customers’ and companies’ best allies. The greatest benefits of chatbots, depending on the industry and use case, include a substantial decrease in customer support costs, the potential to collect important information for sales prospects, and much more.

However, getting to have a smart and intelligent chatbot built by the best chatbot development company in India, elevates the trade and aids to encounter a competitive edge with many possibilities.

Owning A Chatbot For Business

– Automates brand interactions through instant responses to the users and comforts the customer

– Collects the user data that will be helpful for future enhancement and implementation

– Allows having thousands of Integration that can be easily customized

– Yields high return on ad spend & reduces the operational costs

– Enables One-click lead capturing

– Turns page engagements into leads

– Gets a possibility for Quick Launch

“What will limit us is not the possible evolution of technology, but the evolution of human purposes.” – Stephen Wolfram

How To Look Out For The Best Chabot Development Company In India?

Most of you might often find yourself perplexed with the question “How do I lookout for the best chatbot app development company?” Well, AI requirements are not the only dependable factor to select the best chatbot development company in India.

However, the process is similar to that of picking your best software product development company. The company which is competent enough to reassure all your requirements at every stage will definitely travel with you on long terms. Hence, the idea of choosing the best should be to pick the one who promises to redefine the customer experience offered by the businesses.

However, here are the key aspects that one should look at before choosing the best chatbot app development company

Proof of Concept (POC)

The real credibility lies in showing up the Proof of Concept to the clients. The quality of the works speaks more than the number of projects.


The best chatbot development company in India must have righteous knowledge about the client’s channels and the platforms on which the chatbots will be established.

Technical Expertise

The vendor must have extensive knowledge of the benefits of Machine Learning, AI, Scripting, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and NLP engines such as Dialogflow/Watson/Microsoft NLP/Amazon Lex, Analytics, and Unique Frameworks.

UX Design

The best chatbot app development company in India must feature excellent UI UX Design Element implementation in Chatbot. Having a dedicated team with expertise in Chatbot UX Design will be an excellent choice.

Team Size

Having a large development team to craft down the project at the given specific time is of utmost significance. The best chatbot app development company in India must have a separate channel and an established timeframe for Development, Design, Testing & Support.

Scaling Up

Trustworthiness comes from social presence and testimonials. Check for the company’s best clientele and their reviews across various online channels. 

Price & Deadlines

The best chatbot development company in India must have the capabilities for delivering customized & personalized solutions at an affordable cost. The team undoubtedly must be flexible enough to handle the deadlines and unique requirements.

Benefits Of Chatbot

Top 7 Sectors That Use Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly popular across many varied industries. According to a recent Juniper Research analysis, global investment in cognitive and artificial intelligence systems is expected to reach $62.2 billion by 2024, with a compound annual growth rate of 56.2% from 2016 to 2023.

Amidst those exploring consumer-facing technology, Chatbots are currently all the rage as progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has enabled a new generation of chatbots to roll out across all sectors, marketplaces, and corporate organizations.

With that being said, let’s have a swift overview of the industries that widely use chatbots that add value to every business.

Customer Service: Resolves customer queries at the right time with the right accurate answers.

Marketing: Understands the customers and recommends the right products based on their verbal feedback.

News and Media: Customizes the user feed with the context of their interests and choices. Eg, Kik, Line.

e-Commerce: Unlocks more options to shop and sets price alerts.

Banking & Financial Services: Makes a big difference by guiding the visitors with investment portfolios and better plans.

Hospitality:  Powers everything right from check-in to a wide array of concierge services and handles customer queries 24*7.

HR: Aids to keep up the pulse of the employees and monitor their satisfaction and productivity scales. 

Various Types Of  Best Chatbot Platforms

They say, “The first impression is the last impression.” The first point of contact between your prospect and your company determines whether or not they will become your customer. Nonetheless, based on the need and utilization, the best chatbot platforms are classified into three types.

– No Programming Platforms

– Conversational Platforms

– Platforms Backed By Tech Giants

No Programming Platforms

No Programming Platforms are the ultimate best fit for small scale businesses. This is a user-oriented platform that is free from Machine Learning, Programming & NLP. This platform aids to deliver simple chatbots, making the small scale business function smoothly. However as this platform lacks external software integration, “No Programming Platforms” are not advisable for large scale businesses.

Conversational Platforms

Conversational platforms are exclusive platforms that are built to deliver a rich meaningful  conversation between the user and a bot. This platform uses Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) to lively model the conversations. Hence Conversational Platform has an advantage over the No Programming Platform where the information extraction is slightly imperfect.

High Standard Platforms

The high standard platforms are built by tech giant companies to give out their best capabilities in one shot and also to satisfy the complex conversation flows effectively. 

best chatbot development company

What Are The Standpoints To Be Looked In For A Perfect Chatbot Platform?

Some of the profound chatbot trends to be looked into for the perfect chatbot platforms include :

– User & Voice Interface to carry out the conversation lively

– Interactive & Personalized Bot Site

– Text-based Customer Support to respond instantly to the queries

– Sentiment Analysis

– Effective Tracking / Monitoring Feature

Why Is Calibraint Considered As One Of The Best Chatbot Development Companies In India?

With more than 6+ years of experience in delivering quality web application development services, Mobile applications, Blockchain, Machine Learning and Product Development Solutions, Calibraint has accomplished a large number of projects across the globe.

With an aim to provide pre-eminent machine learning solutions, Calibraint is also proud to have launched its own product Maxis Bot, the best ever easy-to-use chatbot builder to get your bot up and running quickly. 

Nevertheless, with 100+ Software Architects, Developers & QAs, our diversified crew has significant expertise in understanding the technical features & requirement capabilities. Calibraint’s eminent developers exhibit competence in detailing of particulates, exceptional UI/UX Designs, working on Agile Methodology, manifest ability to handle short deadlines and many more!

chatbot development company in India

Concluding Lines

Chatbots have evolved from a nice-to-have to a must-have for every industry and business. In today’s technologically advanced business climate, Chatbots assist your business to be available around the clock without you having to spend a lot of money on additional customer service representatives.

Whether you’re looking for a chatbot platform on your own or a chatbot app development company, you should without a doubt weigh all of the benefits and disadvantages, consider your use case(s), conduct extra research, and then make a final decision.

AI & Speech-based bots are great revolutionary gifts for businesses to comfort their customer support. Facebook’s Chat Extension lets you & your friends in the group converse to the bot at the same time. Similarly, Apple’s HomePod & Amazon’s next-gen Echo are in the pipeline. Nevertheless, the use cases of chatbots don’t restrict themselves to customer experience.

The Smart Bots can also take care of the payment gateways, analyze human behavior & feel, manage finances and do much more. Chatbots, on the way to making great accomplishments are expected to surprise us with their new set of marvelous updates. So without any doubt begin your journey today for your business with the best chatbot development companies and be ready to be chatbotified! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Choose The Best Chatbot Development Company?

7 things to consider while choosing the best chatbot app development company:

  • Budget-friendliness
  • Service efficiency
  • Smooth management
  • Organizational Portfolio
  • Robust Security
  • Responsiveness 
  • Upgradability 
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